My First Home

My First Home
Santorini 26 by Metricon

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Slab Date

Got an email from my CSC to advise that the date has been set for my slab pour. All being well it will be Tuesday 13th July. I'm hoping they have not had a lot of rain down that way as it was like a swimming pool the other day.

My Site Manager Rob has been off all week as he has hurt his back however, Nicole my CSC says he is really organised and this should not hold anything up. I hope this is the case.

Finally I have a CSC who gets back to me and so quickly too. I told her how much I appreciated this, credit where credit is due and I thought I should get off on a good foot with her too.

Let's hope that the next time I post I am posting photos of a concrete slab.

1 comment:

  1. Kylie, went past your block today and yes, things are looking good for you, ours has another mound of dirt on it, and no change.
    I will watch your build with interest!!
